If I then open up a command prompt, navigate to drivers and do "findstr /s smNp *.*" or "findstr /s smBt *.*" they both point to rdyboost.sys. That brought me to tags "smNp" and "smBt".

I turned to the Windows WDK and poolmon to tell me what was using up so many resources, per this link: When I looked at Task Manager, it showed that System was using 2.4GB (40%) of RAM in my 8GB system: Unfortunately today I noticed that my RAM usage was really high at 80%, with only XenCenter and a few tabs open in Microsoft Edge. I'm mostly testing out how well it works and for the most part it's pretty smooth, aside from not having RSAT yet.

I have Windows 10 on my work computer dual-booted with our standard Windows 7 image.